Blog Posts
Introduction to Penetration Testing Documentation
In this post, I will do a brief overview of the reporting phase of a pentest and cover a high-level description of what should be included and things to look out for when writing a report.
Introduction to Different Types of Malware and Viruses
Welcome to the exciting phase. This is the phase most people think of when the word “hacking” is mentioned - launching exploits, gaining access to computers and more!
Introduction to Network Attacks and DoS Attacks
This phase covers network attacks ranging from recon attacks, access attacks up to the concept of DoS attacks and more modern examples in order to get an idea of the various attacks going on every day.
Introduction to Social Engineering
Welcome to the social engineering phase. Ever wanted to hack humans, but don’t have the biological knowledge to do so? Well, social engineering is for you!
Introduction to Password Cracking Techniques
This is the phase that can give you that adrenaline rush - we crack users passwords (hopefully) to potentially gain access and do some more ethically nefarious things.
Mandiant - Azure Red Team Workshop Writeup
This is a vulnerable-by-design Azure lab containing 2 x attack paths with common misconfigurations. These vulnerabilities are intended to represent those found in live production environments.
Introduction to the Exploitation Phase of Hacking
Welcome to the exciting phase. This is the phase most people think of when the word “hacking” is mentioned - launching exploits, gaining access to computers and more!
Introduction to Vulnerability Scanning and Tools
A common yet effective method for finding vulnerabilities is by utilising various vulnerability scanning tools like Nessus and OpenVAS. Learn about them here.