Blaster - TryHackMe Writeup
Throughout this room, we'll be looking at alternative modes of exploitation without the use of Metasploit or really exploitation tools in general beyond nmap and dirbuster.
Brainpan 1 - TryHackMe Writeup
Brainpan is perfect for OSCP practice and has been highly recommended to complete before the exam. Exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability by analyzing a Windows executable on a Linux machine.
ConvertMyVideo - TryHackMe Writeup
This room exploits an open-source Youtube video download tool using an interesting injection method. It also includes some common linux privilege escalation methods.
Tomghost - TryHackMe Writeup
This room covers the famous Ghostcat CVE vulnerability to gain an initial access shell on the remote machine alongside an interesting ASC and GPG privilege escalation technique.
Anonymous - TryHackMe Writeup
This room exploits a vulnerable FTP port left open, exposing a script that can be overwritten. Privilege escalation is also included using the famous GTFOBins to gain a root shell.
LazyAdmin - TryHackMe Writeup
Lazy admins are a hacker’s best friend. This room includes using the SweetRice exploit, peering into an unsecured MySQL backup, and a priv esc tactic of rewriting a script file.
CMess - TryHackMe Writeup
This room includes some interesting techniques like fuzzing subdomains, exploiting Gila CMS upload features and an interesting priv esc technique using tar and the checkpoint feature.
Internal - TryHackMe Writeup
You have been assigned to a client that wants a penetration test conducted on an environment due to be released to production in three weeks. Can you hack it?
Burp Suite Basics Room
This room is designed for you to learn the basics and major components of Burp Suite, the de facto tool to use when performing web app testing.